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» Economics Today: The Micro View 17th Edition, Roger Miller
Economics Today: The Micro View 17th Edition, Roger Miller
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Economics Today: The Micro View 17th Edition by Roger LeRoy Miller presents ideas clearly, at an accessible level, and in the context of newsworthy applications for students taking the principles of economics course. This is also a valuable resource for professionals seeking a current, real-world introduction to economics.
Students learn best when they see concepts applied to examples from their everyday lives. This new edition of Economics Today: The Micro View covers leading-edge issues while lowering barriers to student learning. The text relentlessly pursues the fundamental objective of showing students how economics is front and center in their own lives while providing them with many ways to evaluate their understanding of key concepts covered in each chapter.
Each chapter begins and ends with an Issues and Applications feature, which introduces a timely issue in the chapter opener and analyzes the issue using the economic tools learned in that chapter at the end. This text is also available with MyEconLab, which includes assessment questions that tie to these Issues and Applications, as well as ABC News video clips.
The text’s fundamental goals remain firmly in place: demonstrating to students the relevance of economics to their lives and offering them numerous opportunities in every chapter to confirm that they understand key concepts before continuing on. Cutting-edge developments have been incorporated throughout. These include coverage of the economic effects of the new federal health care legislation.
Chapter 30 provides an organized discussion of the key features of the health care law passed in 2010 and evaluates fundamental economic implications of the legislation. Chapter 20 explains why some proponents of behavioral economics suggest this. "Why do many energy experts suggest that the use of smaller reactors may fuel a future resurgence in the use of nuclear power?" Chapter 22 discusses why.
Chapter 25 evaluates why the concepts of product differentiation and trademarks help to explain the unusual names. Chapter 26 provides an explanation for why vertical mergers have made a comeback in U.S. industry. New and revised pedagogical tools engage students and help them focus on the central ideas in economics today. A current application captures students’ attention at the beginning of the chapter and is revisited in more depth at the end using the concepts they have just learned. Chapter Openers tie to the Issues & Applications feature at the end of each chapter.
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