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» Essentials of Economics 8th Edition, Bradley Schiller
Essentials of Economics 8th Edition, Bradley Schiller
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Essentials of Economics 8th Edition by Bradley Schiller provides a strong introduction to the core ideas of economics with an emphasis on real-world examples and current events. This book has earned its well-liked success as a result of, in contrast to other books available on the market, it is freed from the summary and complicated theory that requires extra time than this course allows.
Instead, the text is clean and concise, with many examples of significance to students today, together with Headlines and Policy Perspectives that use present events to help illustrate the topics discussed. This real-world coverage emphasis is a particular function of Schiller’s text and is integral to its dominance of the survey text market.
Author teaches economic principles in the context of the decisions that state, local, and federal governments face, thereby teaching students that the principles are relevant to the real-world and that they impact their lives every day. The book includes Policy Perspectives that demonstrate how economics influences policy. What the students learn in the course directly relates to what they hear on the news, and they are more motivated to learn as they see this real-world connection.
Bulleted Chapter Summaries at the end of each chapter. These help students digest and review what they’ve read. Terms to Remember are called out in the margin of each chapter and appear at the end of each chapter to aid student retention. End-of-chapter Questions for Discussion and Problems provide student feedback and reinforce concepts.
Web Activities send students out to the web to find real-life data and solve economic problems. The Obama administration and its effect on policy is reflected in the focus on 2009-10 policy debates in Chapter 16, the discussion of Obama’s trade policies in Chapter 17, Obama’s plan to regulate top executive earnings in Chapter 8, and the results of a 2010 poll on confidence in government intervention in Chapter 9.
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